Andy Higgins
Andy has worked in the email and collaboration field for over 30 years. He has worked with most email systems/protocols and always been very involved with the coexistence aspects of the many different stacks available. He worked for Lotus when he first came to the USA in 1995 and has worked with Lotus and Microsoft email services since then. Over the past 10 years he has run a IT consultancy in these areas. IMCollaboration works with large and small businesses with predominately the O365 stack with integrations to Domino, Sametime and other services.
Thursday December 10
The Life of a Domino and Office 365 Administrator
Heather Hottenstein | Andy Higgins |
While companies migrate their Notes mail to Microsoft 365; they continue to operate Domino servers in order to continue using the applications that run the business. Many of the skills you gained administering Domino directly apply to Office 365. Additionally, there are technical solutions available for integrating Domino and O365, reducing your overall workload. This session will discuss how to effectively administer the two environments successfully.
Wednesday December 9
Domino app platform VS Microsoft App platform
Office 365 has taken over at many businesses to serve as the Email and Instant Messaging platform but there are still the applications to consider. There have been many attempts to replace Domino applications with Microsoft solutions but Domino still remains a strong contender is this area. This session is to show the differences between the HCL and Microsoft technology to help you understand how to keep Domino going in an O365 shop